“I want to get out of this profession. I just want to sell my practice. I’m so tired of this.”
There were two pivotal moments in Nicole’s life and these words came at the brink of the second.
The first is credited to her initial experience of a chiropractic adjustment which, ironically occurred after she had begun her chiropractic studies.
Nicole Rothman, DC at Rothman Health Solutions in Florida, had been programmed since childhood to believe that conventional medicine was the only path toward healing. Her life was transformed when she suffered a severe injury and sought out alternative treatment. She had always envisioned her journey through chiro studies would lead her into becoming a professional in the industry, but this experience drove her to learn everything she could about self-healing and a more natural approach to healthcare.
After finishing school, she opened a cash practice, offered programs, and begged people to change their lifestyle. She then hit her second tuning point when she became overwhelmed, exhausted, and had thoughts about leaving everything behind.
“People would come in to have me fix them over and over. It was really frustrating, and it went on for years. I had no idea if I was going to keep working in this profession. I wasn’t fulfilled.”
Nicole felt a strong calling to help others achieve wellness and was not willing to give up on her mission. She began the hunt for help and found it on Facebook.
“I remember watching Charlie’s video. I just felt like he knew what I wanted and could help me get it. He understood my frustration of serving others and still having trouble financially.”
Nicole was welcomed into the FPC family in February of 2017 and though the decision to join came easy to her, the change proved to be more challenging.
“The hardest year I’ve ever had in practice was my first year with FPC. Letting go of how I ran things, allowing someone to coach and guide my stubborn self, and trying to study and learn. It was difficult to grasp.”
“It was precisely in October of 2017,” Nicole said, when we asked her to talk about her biggest moment of growth.
“That’s when I finally gave in. I was fighting it quite a bit at first. And I said, okay, I’m going to listen to everything and follow the instructions. And as soon as I started doing that, it accelerated the practice, and we generated more income than ever before.”
In their second year, Nicole’s practice doubled their financial gain and by the third, they broke the million-dollar mark, but financial freedom is only one of her many endeavors.
“I’m always celebrating when I get to places, but I’m not at the top of the mountain yet. I want more. I’m happy and grateful where we’re at but I have such a huge amount that I have to do for this world. It’s not about my bank account. It’s how many lives can I change? How many lives can I get my message of truth across to? That is my absolute real purpose here on this earth.”
2020 proved to be a remarkable year for Nicole. She released her first book in July, she advanced on her desire to educate people through YouTube videos, and her practice had their “best year yet.” All of these accomplishments were the byproduct of determination and commitment.
“It was not an easy year. We worked our butts off. I worked harder this year than I have ever worked before. I’m okay with it because we are learning new things, so there is freedom to that in a way.”
Prior to the pandemic, Nicole began envisioning having a completely virtual practice within 10 years. She sees herself traveling between her two future homes, one in the mountains and one on a beach, all while running a successful business. In working towards this goal, she had already scheduled her first webinar before the news of the virus had spread.
“I looked at Troy and said, okay, this is what we wanted. We did our first webinar and it was horrible. But I learned so much.”
FPC’s constant strive for excellence serves as an inspiration to Nicole and she understands the value in the guidance and in the community.
“Everyone is cheering, supporting each other, and helping you get through it. It’s so valuable to be able to strategize and learn from other practices. It’s worth the investment. I’ve learned so much from FPC. I’m a better doctor, a better person, and much more of a leader than I ever was.”
Nicole joked that her biggest disappointment of the year was not being able to fully celebrate her new role as a best-selling author.
“I didn’t get to have the party I wanted to with everything going on and if I don’t get to have it anytime soon then -I will be 50 in a year- so if not now, eventually.”
Are you ready for your own success story?
If you are, I have good news! We can get you results like this. It won’t be easy, nor will it happen overnight, but I’ve seen it happen so many times that I can tell you that’s it’s possible.
You’ve got to be hungry, driven, up for the work, listen more than you talk, complete more than complain, implement plans more than you announce them, and show up daily with a beginners mind. If you’re ready, it’s time to get to work!