Build A Business That Fits Your Lifestyle By Creating An All-Star Team.

  • Why turning your ’employees’ into team players is essential for your practice success.
  • How to train your team to handle the majority of the tasks that are currently on your plate. (freeing up your time to do the most important work that will grow your business)
  • How to incentivize your team so they are as equally committed to growing your practice as you are.

In This Video:

Time Topic
00:09 How do I design and organize my day to allow me to spend more time working on my business VS just in it.
01:26 Financial independence and freedom of time… how do I get there?
02:05 Seven figure practices have team players, not just employees.
04:06 Educate and mentor your team or go broke.
09:21 Taking your business to the next level with star employees.
10:47 Having your staff use systems to grow.

Additional Links:

Lesson 1: 3 Essential Actions That Fill Your Practice With The Right Patients.

Lesson 2: Structuring Your Practice For Maximum Profitability.

With Gratitude,

Dr. Charles Webb
Freedom Practice Coaching

P.S. If you have not seen it yet, take a look at how some doctors are revolutionizing healthcare! Click here for a documentary on our company called “Hope for Health”.