‘Lesson Learned’ Article originally from March 25th’s 2019 FPC Weekly Newsletter
Written by Dr. Kori Feldman
Lessons Learned After 4 Years In FPC
As I enter my fifth year with FPC, I look back in awe and pride with how far I’ve come, but am also equally humbled by how much further I’d still like to go. It’s been an incredibly wild and often challenging ride, but I don’t regret any part of it. I’m extremely grateful that FPC came into my life when it did. As I continue to strive for bigger goals, I wanted to share the 8 major pearls and lessons I’ve personally learned so far in hopes of inspiring all of you to never give up and to keep fighting for your dreams.
Do what FPC teaches and tells you to do! This lesson is #1 because it’s the most important thing we need to do when we first start with FPC and as we continue to grow. The FPC model has been proven over 6+ years by hundreds of doctors and practices and IS your answer to get more cash flow to ultimately create the practice and life of your dreams. You may initially feel like it doesn’t make sense or “fit” with you and the practice you’re coming in with, but I promise it will help you get where you want to go no matter where you are starting when you join FPC.
You need to invest in a fabulous team to succeed. I came into FPC with no formal hiring process in place for my team and it showed. When things got tough as I shifted my initial insurance based primary care practice and created a “hybrid” practice (FPC model plus any other style of practice), I lost a fair amount of what I believed to be “good” team members. Through my FPC experience, I learned that finding the right people (with the right attitude, energy, and commitment) was WAY more important than finding the person with the “right skills” on paper. FPC’s hiring process allowed me to quickly and thoroughly find the right candidates with the personality and mindset to succeed. With this loss of the “wrong fit” team members, came amazing opportunities to build an even better team that continues to take me further than I ever imagined.
The success of your business is directly linked to your mindset. I learned that so many challenges that we face in business are out of our control. So we can choose to follow the fear and stress and allow ourselves to quit striving for our dreams and find a safe and less fulfilling life. Or we can choose to work on our mindsets and to learn to ride the waves of these challenges and embrace change so we can continue to improve ourselves, our businesses, and our lives. If you believe you will fail, you will. If you believe you will succeed, you will and it will just be a matter of time. We need to believe in ourselves and our abilities since ultimately we are the only ones truly in charge of our future. Remind yourself of all of the successes you’ve already had and practice being grateful every single day. Two great resources to work on this lesson include setting up coach calls with Angel and reading/listening to the book Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz MD.
Reach out for help when you are struggling; this is NOT a sign of weakness, but a sign of strength and wisdom. FPC has curated a fantastic team of coaches who are committed to our success, have all been where we are, who understand the challenges, and can ultimately help us continue to move towards our goals. Every single one of us at one point (or likely more) has struggled and been seized by fear, anxiety, and stress with our businesses and lives. Along with the coaches, we have an amazing community full of heart-centered practitioners who are in the trenches with us and are always rooting for our success. We need to build a solid support network and USE it often. Knowing that we are never alone and we have such a supportive, understanding, committed, and purpose driven community makes FPC and all of us incredibly powerful as we work to change the landscape of healthcare.
I’m nowhere near “done” figuring things out. The challenges never end, so we need to learn to ride the waves of uncertainty, stress, and unexpected road blocks. We can reach whatever goals we set our minds to and we must keep goal striving to keep growing.
Embrace change and see the positive opportunities, every time. I’ve learned to expect and embrace change with excitement because it often ends up being for the best and has allowed me to grow. I’ve heard it termed as having “a nostalgia for the future” and this attitude will keep us young and vital. I look forward to a bright, purpose driven future. I see challenges as necessary growing pains instead of failures. Build resilience and commit to being an inspiration for those around you.
Never stop committing to and working on personal growth. With this commitment, success is inevitable. Despite being a coach now with FPC, I will never stop getting coaching to improve myself.
Be brave and follow your heart. The more authentic you are, the more you will connect and help people. With our FPC community, we can change the world and we are unstoppable!