Meet Dr. Leslie Meyers — She opened her wellness practice 12 years ago in Ashville, NC. She used to have a cash based fee-for-service business specializing in a helping those with chronic conditions who found no help in the traditional approach.
Dr. Meyers knew how to help these individuals change their life by her proactive approach and start living life again.
What she didn’t know was how to earn a significant income doing it. Even after 12 years of practice, she was only collecting an average of $10,000 per month. She was barely getting by.
Leslie had come to the point of recognizing it was unacceptable to keep doing things the wrong way. There had to be a better way.
Just 5 weeks ago, she attended our Discovery Day and chose to move forward with our coaching program. Immediately she took what she learned and put it into action. She’s what we call a quick-start. In just 5 short weeks, she took her practice from fee-for-service to a program based approach that was better for her and better for her patients.
Let’s break it down:
Who? Dr. Leslie Meyers
Problem: Unable to scale her fee-for-service wellness practice and was barely surviving.
Solution: Joined Freedom Practice Coaching (Elite Program)
Did it work? Yep. Dr. Meyers closed an additional $32,000 in business in her first 5 weeks of working with our coaches. She will collect more in one month than she used to all quarter. And…she’s just getting started.
In her own words, Leslie shares her journey. ⬇️
My first 5 weeks working with FPC has been what I dreamed would happen but didn’t actually think would happen. I knew that if I acted on what they suggested that my revenue would increase and I would have the opportunity to help more people on a higher level. But I didn’t know everything would happen quite so fast.
In 2019, our average monthly revenue was 10k. I started working with FPC in mid January. I started to see some minor success right away, but things really picked up in a mind-blowing way last week. In the past week alone, I sold 31k in packages. 22k of that happened in one day with 4 new patient closings. In January, I changed the way I was selling and started doing new patient consults the way FPC teaches them. I have closed 8 out of 9 new patients in the past month. Having the practice members’ spouses present during the consult is one of the many things that FPC has taught me that has made a difference. It seems that the spouses say yes for the practice member before he or she even says yes. I am also enjoying putting better systems in place. I am feeling so organized, and I know my practice members are experiencing a greater sense of professionalism from us. I love it.
While it has been a whirlwind and the past week, in particular, has been demanding, I am surprised at how easy it has been to implement FPC’s tools. In 2018 and 2019, I was selling packages and I was trying to re-invent the wheel. I didn’t know other doctors were selling packages like this. When I found out about FPC, I knew that they could help me do what I wanted to do. For that reason, it has been easy. If they suggest something and it feels right to me, I just do it. I know that to get big results, I have to take big steps. It is already paying off big time. I am so grateful that I found FPC. I love creating this happy, efficient, fulfilling practice that is going to help more and more people will live greater lives. Thank you, FPC!
-Dr. Leslie Meyers
Here’s what I can tell you about Leslie —
She’s hungry, listens, and she is an early adopter.
I’ve seen hundreds of client doctors over the last 8-years come through my programs, and I can tell you that the ones who do the best are always the early adopters. They take extreme ownership, have unwavering faith and consistently apply extraordinary effort.
These are the entrepreneur/doctors who harness the ability to attract an endless supply of new patients and gain the reputation of being the go to expert in their communities.
They understand there’s a window of time to do it, and decide to go all-in take their business from 1.0 to 2.0.
Meanwhile, there are also the pragmatists, the skeptics, and the laggards (AKA dinosaurs) — these are the folks who will often sit back passively, and remain stuck in old ways of how their practice is supposed to work, until the opportunity to become the expert in their community has passed them by. They are what I call the “victims of themselves.”
Dr. Meyers has been working like a machine using our unique process to convert her prospects into wellness programs that tripled her monthly revenue in just 5 short weeks. She is signing up the same number of clients that she was previously but at a much higher value.
Her patients are loving her new program and see it as an investment into themselves.
So, do you want results like these for yourself?
If you do, I have good news! We can get you results like this. It won’t be easy, nor will it happen overnight, but I’ve seen it happen so many times that I can tell you that it’s possible.
You’ve got to be hungry, driven, up for the work, listen more than you talk, complete more than complain, implement plans more than you announce them, and show up daily with a beginner’s mind.
If these things are true, it’s time to get to work!