Liana Werner-Grey’s wake-up call happened at just 21 years old when she developed a golf-ball sized lump in her neck.
Three physicians gave Liana three very different diagnosis and treatment plans – none of which felt right to her.
She had a strong feeling it was her diet to blame.
Although she was raised in Alice Springs, Australia, and grew up with a large community of Aborigines, Liana had strayed away from her upbringing.
“I can remember learning about nutrition at 5 years old,” she said. “My father is a chef, and I learned that the healthiest foods to eat are those that are taken straight from the bush.”
As a child, she also learned that everything is healable.
Liana began seeing a medical doctor who had crossed over into functional medicine. Under the doctor’s guidance, Liana chose to forego traditional treatment options and focus on her diet.
Liana began by drinking six juices a day. Knowing her lymphatic system was clogged, she believed juicing to be the fastest way to heal her body. She drank a combination between beet juice and green juice.
Liana began chronicling her journey by creating a blog The Earth Diet. Her journey inspired her to pursue a career helping others see food as medicine. She also authored three books: The Earth Diet, 10-Minute Recipes and Cancer Free with Food.
Ten years after discovering the tumor, Liana is cancer fee. Because of her journey she now enjoys a rewarding career as a health and nutrition coach for Complete Wellness, an integrative practice located in the heart of New York City.
As a Freedom Practice Coaching practice, Complete Wellness offers wellness packages that empower patients to take back control of their health by choosing a path that leads to wellness.
Liana sees each patient and gathers a complete medical history – including their emotional relationship to food. She creates tailored plans to help each patient address his or her unique condition.
While Liana healed herself with food, she encourages her patients and readers to seek medical advice – as she did – with trained professionals.
Learn more about Liana by following her on Instagram.