For Forrest Sauer, a chiropractor and owner of Twin Oak Health Solutions in Fargo, North Dakota, the field of medicine was in his blood.
With a nurse anesthetist for a father and nurse for a mother, his parents would come home and share stories about their day.
As a kid, Dr. Sauer thought what they did was “really cool.”
He knew he wanted to help people in some way, but growing up with parents in the medical field, he also knew how tough a career in healthcare could be on a family.
“I remember many Thanksgivings when the phone would ring, and just as we were sitting down to eat, the hospital would call. Dad needed to go in,” he said.
Dr. Sauer didn’t want to be on call. Also interested in business, he decided to attend North Western Health Science Universities and pursue a Doctor of Chiropractic – and open up a practice with a heavy emphasis on functional medicine.
The Early Years as a Practice Owner
After 2 years of bumbling, struggling and barely surviving as a practitioner and business owner, Dr. Sauer made a realization.
He needed a coach.
“All of the coaches I encountered focused more on clients: see clients for a shorter amount of time and be open on Saturdays,” Dr. Sauer said. “That was not going to work for me.”
Dr. Sauer heard about Freedom Practice Coaching (FPC) on a Functional Forum Podcast. Interested in what FPC Founder Charles Webb, DC, had to say, Dr. Sauer watched a webinar.
He loved it.
The FPC team scheduled Dr. Sauer for Discovery Day in San Antonio, and he and his wife, Krystle, flew to Texas.
At the end of the day, Krystle was in tears.
“She knew how hard I was working and little money we had at that time,” Dr. Sauer said. “I was bringing home about $1,000 a month.”
Between insurance reimbursements, few clients and failed networking, Dr. Sauer said he just didn’t know how to make his practice work.
He chose to partner with FPC.
Dr. Sauer Updated his Model and Changed his Life
Now, over 3 years later, Dr. Sauer is packaging his services and seeing his patients transform their lives.
“Clients come back in tears, saying, ‘Doctor, you’ve changed my life,’” he said.
He said clients come to him stressed to the max, life in shambles, on six different medications.
“I give them the care they need, the advice and the guidance to make changes,” he said. “Then they’re sleeping again, and then lose 10 pounds.”
Dr. Sauer said watching his clients get better brings so much value to his life.
The program FPC teaches puts the responsibility on the client to make lifestyle changes.
“People should be taking responsibility for their health,” he said.
Dr. Sauer shared one of his favorite patient stories.
A grandmother attended one of his presentations, angry at her conventional doctors because she wasn’t feeling well – yet her labs were normal.
A gardener who loved to travel was fatigued with headaches. She was also overweight. She partnered with Dr. Sauer. Now, she’s 20 pounds lighter. Her headaches are gone, and she has fewer doctor appointments. She’s spending more time in her garden and with her grandkids.

On the personal side, Dr. Sauer’s wife has been able to stay home with their two sons, Owen, who is 2 and a half, and Wyatt, who is 1.
“I’m a dad 100 percent of the time,” he said. “I have 3-day weekends every single week, and I get to connect with my boys.”
Prior to FPC, Krystle would have had no choice but to work.
“Joining FPC not only changed my life and my clients’ lives; it changed my boys’ lives,” Dr. Sauer said.
Interesting in discovering if FPC is the right fit for you? Sign up for a free coaching call with FPC Founder Dr. Charles Webb.